How To Help A Teen In Crisis Even If They Are Not A Problem Child
How To Help A Teen In Crisis Even If They Are Not A Problem Child

News reports of school shootings and young people committing suicide are on the rise. Parents…

Teen Depression Ages 13-18

What is Teen Depression? Adolescent depression is a disorder occurring during the teenage years marked…

Teen Dating Abuse Ages 13-18

What is Dating Violence? Dating violence is controlling, abusive, and aggressive behavior in a romantic…

help with teen suicide, suicide girls, help for teen drepression
Suicidal Behavior Ages 13-18

Suicide is never normal. Suicide is never a rational way to solve a problem. Suicide…

Talking teens. Signs of Normal Development Stages Ages 13-18. Teen Development.
Signs of Normal Development Stages Ages 13-18

Children must pass through several stages, or take specific steps, on their road to becoming…

Signs of Drug Abuse Ages 13-18

Signs in the Home loss of interest in family activities disrespect for family rules withdrawal…

Schizophrenia Ages 13-18

What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is one of the most complex of all mental health disorders.…

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was formally recognized as a psychiatric diagnosis…

Media and Adolescents Ages 13-18

Turn your teenager from a couch potato into a film buff by teaching him the…

Healthy Parent-Teen Relationships

Struggles between Parents and Teens are Normal Parents of teenagers or preteens should realize these…