Ximena, Mental Health Client

“Almost five years ago, my mom helped care for three family members at the end of their lives. I witnessed their deaths first hand. In the moment, I felt my role was to be a rock for my mom. A year went by, and I started to feel all the bottled up emotions come to surface. Not only the impact of the losses but all the experiences in my life that I pushed deep down. These lingering experiences became a dark umbrella over a very broken self. I felt like I didn’t want to exist, I didn’t want to feel, and it hurt to wake up and have to get out of bed. The thoughts of how I would end my life became so overwhelming that I felt like I might hurt to myself. I called the suicide hotline and was referred to The Whole Child.

These lingering experiences became a dark umbrella over a very broken self. I felt like I didn’t want to exist, I didn’t want to feel, and it hurt to wake up and have to get out of bed.

I remember how scared I was to be vulnerable, to let someone know how I felt inside wondering if I was fixable. I came twice a week and Karla became someone I confided in. She opened my heart, my mind and my soul and served as the life vest I needed to stay afloat in life. Without having my therapist as a support system I don’t know where or who I would be today.

Today I’m a college graduate and my life is in a healthy state. I felt the need to let Whole Child know that I am alive, I am healthy, and I am so happy because of you. Thank you!”