Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the Pandemic

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The current pandemic has had a major effect on our lives and can cause strong emotions in both adults and children. To assist in managing these emotions and the stress associated with them, Brittany Williams, LMFT, The Whole Child’s Program Director, Service Coordination Unit, suggests a simple self-care strategy called setting an intention.

An intention is defined as something that gives you purpose, as well as the inspiration and motivation to achieve that purpose. It can be something as simple as, “I intend to stop taking things personally” or “I intend to see the good in those around me.”

“With the recent COVID surge, it’s important to not only take care of our physical health but our mental health as well by starting your day with an intention,” Ms. Williams explains. “Identify one or two achievable things that you want to accomplish for the day that will personally help you grow.” Beginning your day with an intention is good for your mental and physical health and can help you take charge of your life.